Did you know you don’t always need to contact your GP Surgery to get referred to other services? You can self refer for physiotherapy, stopping smoking, weight management and to many more services. Click on the links below to be taken to each services self referral page, this will open a new tab.

Allied Health Professionals (AHP)

Allied Health Professionals are experts in musculoskeletal and pelvic health physiotherapy, providing specialist assessments, management and self-management of conditions for patients across Suffolk. With several clinics in Bury St Edmunds as well as a clinic in Brandon, AHP are able to help all of our patients.

Self Referral – Allied Health Professionals

Bladder & Bowel Service

Commissioned by the Suffolk GP Federation the Bladder and Bowel Service provides services to adults living in Suffolk, registered with a Suffolk based GP Surgery, patients will be assessed by one of their nurses who can provide treatment and guidance around the management of incontinence. They accept self referrals via their Care Co-Ordination Centre; Tel: 0300 123 2425 you can find out more information following the link below.

Bladder & Bowel Service

Cervical Screening

Suffolk GP Federation have been working hard to create a service where anybody with a cervix can access testing, they offer evening and weekend appointments so there is always be somewhere your screening can take place at a time to suit you. All cervical screenings are carried out by a female nurse and appointments are offered at a variety of locations. To find out more click the link below, to self refer click the “Make an Appointment” link and complete the form.

Cervical Screening

Feel Good Suffolk

Feel Good Suffolk can help you stop smoking, manage weight and get more active, additionally offering support to children, young people and families to develop healthier habits and a love of activity their website contains a wealth of resources. Follow the link below to visit their website, you can select “find out more” on any of their services and select “get support” then “make a referral” to refer yourself for any of their services.

Feel Good Suffolk

NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP)

Around nine out of ten people with diabetes have type 2, which evidence shows is largely preventable through lifestyle changes. The Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme identifies people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes and offers a nine- month evidence based lifestyle change programme. Research shows patients engaging with the programme either in person or online can cut the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by one third.

Find out more about the programme by signing up to a free, live, 30 minute online overview explaining all about the NDPP please click the link below.

Patient Information Session Calendar

Follow the link below to find and book onto your nearest NDPP Coaching sessions, you will need your NHS Number and your latest HBA1C, you can contact us by submitting an Anima administrative request, by telephone, Livechat or pop into reception for this information

Sessions Near Me

Pharmacy First

You can visit your local pharmacy to see if they can help with some common conditions, follow the link below for more information on the pharmacy first service. We are hoping to publish a list of participating pharmacies within the local area as soon as it is available.

NHS England


Suffolk Podiatry is managed by Suffolk GP Federation who manage various community services. Suffolk Podiatry delivers care to high risk patients and those requiring specialist intervention e.g nail surgery for ingrowing nails, lower limb problems and care for complications of the diabetic foot to self-refer please follow the link below, they request several photos of your existing foot condition along with the self referral.

Suffolk Podiatry


To register for pregnancy care with one of the community midwife teams please use the link below and complete the online self-referral form at the bottom of the page.

Pregnancy referral form – West Suffolk Hospital

Social Prescribers

Our Social Prescribers offer a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Offering a confidential space to talk and explore issues negatively affecting your physical and mental health, they offer non judgemental support and can help support you with other services involved in your care. They offer signposting and referrals to other community groups, for practical and emotional support. Please put a request through on Anima to be put in contact with our social prescriber.

Stroke Review Service

Livability Icanho offer a six-month review service to all adults aged 18 or over, who are registered with a GP Practice and who have had a diagnosis of stroke. Most people will be automatically contacted by their local NHS commissioned provider between 4-8 months after a stroke. The review allows time to discuss your medical, social and emotional needs and provides helpful information and signposting/ onward referral if further treatment or support is required. If you think you have been missed, please contact the stroke review hub.

Contact: strokereview@livability.org.uk or call 01449 774161

Suffolk Sexual Health Service

Previously known as iCASH the Suffolk Sexual Health Service helps everyone across Suffolk access free information, support and treatment they need to stay safe, healthy and protected. Follow the link below for help with emergency contraception, contraception, STI testing kits and much more.

Suffolk Sexual Health Service

Suffolk User Forum – The Healthy Together Project

The Healthy Together Project is for anyone living with a Serious Mental Illness (SMI), including those with Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar or Psychosis who would like support to arrange healthcare and wellbeing appointments. When we live with mental illness, it can be hard to make those calls to book important health appointments such as dentists, physiotherapy, blood tests, specialist clinic appointments for long term conditions or for vaccinations. Sometimes it can feel “just too hard” but with support it becomes possible and achievable. The Healthy Together Peer Support Workers draw directly from their own lived experiences of mental ill health to offer friendly, non-judgemental support. They can arrange to contact you by text, email, telephone or in person and they can help to book and attend appointments. Below is a link to their website if you’d like more information, there is also the self-referral form which can be completed and returned to the email address at the bottom of the page.

Suffolk User Forum

Suffolk Wellbeing

Suffolk Wellbeing provide a range of support for people with common mental health and emotional issues, such as low mood, depression or stress. They will work with you to make changes to improve your wellbeing and quality of life. Their services are free and available to anyone over the age of 16. Follow the link below to visit their website where you can make a self-referral.

Suffolk Wellbeing

Termination of Pregnancy

The referral pathway for a termination of pregnancy has now changed and a GP Referral is no longer needed. Patients can self refer to West Suffolk Hospital using the number below, lines are open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm, you will need details of your last menstrual period and when you first had a positive pregnancy test. You should then be offered an appointment to discuss things further. Making an appointment does not mean you have to go ahead with a termination but you will be offered a scan to confirm pregnancy dates and discuss with a doctor and nurse the options available to you.

Please call 01284 713235 to self refer