A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a collaborative forum where patients (over 16), or their carers and GP Practice staff come together to discuss practice-related issues. The PPG work voluntarily to provide a two-way communication between patients and staff. Our group plays a vital role in improving services offered to patients, meeting every 6 weeks for 1.5 hours to discuss developments, ideas and issues raised in patient feedback. We discuss concerns that may affect the wider patient population with the PPG contributing to action plans and helping to monitor improvements. We are currently looking to expand our group, if you are interested in joining please complete the form below.

We are looking for new members to join our Forest PPG, the PPG work voluntarily to provide a two-way communication between patients and staff. We would like to find members who are interested in improving services to our patients in Brandon. The PPG is open to any of our registered patients (or their carer) who is aged over 16.

    Current Projects

    After our successful “Pre-diabetic Awareness Event” in February we are looking to hold another Health Promotion event later this year, raising awareness about Menopause.

    Past Projects

    In February 2024 our PPG held their first Health Promotion Event. We invited patients whose recent blood test had indicated they were pre-diabetic to listen to a talk with Peter Gray from the National Diabetes Prevention Programme, our diabetes nurse and one of our GP’s also attended to speak with patients. Due to the size of the surgery we selected patients who were clinically indicated as “most at risk” of developing type 2 diabetes in accordance to the criteria listed on the Diabetes UK website our event was fully booked and we received really positive feedback from those in attendance.

    In addition to the first Health Promotion event our PPG have helped create the following documents these were developed following patient feedback. Please click on the link below to open the PDF document in a new tab.